Pachacamac’s Pyramids were a very important oracle in the Inca’s time

Every Inca wanted to come to Pachacamac to visit and say thanks to the creator.

Pachacamac was also a place of human sacrificies and payments to the mother earth; natives celebrated large festivities in honor to the gods.

The panorama is surreal. We saw ancient huge Inka costructions, long wide Inka trails and Giant Pyramids

We hiked to the top of the of the main Pyramide Called ‘The Sun Temple’ and admired the impressive view.

Next we had a traditional Peruvian lunch of ceviche and also a beef dish.

in the afternoon we took a Shanty Town Tour

This was an eye opening tour experience that challenged our preconceptions about poor areas. We interacted with the locals and children. Over 80% of people from Lima live there.

We visited a local market and bought some potatoes to deliver to a local soup kitchen. We then walked up into the hills to visit the soup kitchen and local kindergarten building along with and the friendly families from this nice community.

The town’s huge dimensions and breathtaking views were very impressive.